Simply put, there are two approaches to meditation. The first is when you do something to centre the mind and bring your attention to one specific focus - your breath, a mantra, the felt sense of a point in your body, pretty much anything.
The second approach (the non-dual) is to let go of even the concept of a 'doer', and simply rest as awareness, accepting the absolute perfection of the here and now, the present moment.
Guided meditation can lead to that moment where we realise somehow for the first time, and yet in a familiar way, that consciousness does not exist within us, but rather that we exist within consciousness. It is the classic transition from doing to being that is at the heart of much spirituality.
What's more - the entire universe and beyond is also made of that very same awareness that feels like 'me'. It is the nature of our shared being. This is what has been referred to as non-dual awakening. That moment of awakening when we realise that we really are all made of the same stuff, the same consciousness, the same 'beingness', all out differences start to fade into the background, and a sense of connection and 'one-ness' prevails.
Whilst an explanation of non-dual philosophy can verge on the esoteric, the application in meditation itself is surprisingly prosaic and practical. It really comes down to the simple act of noticing. It's like letting go of everything that comes after the 'I am', the labels, the stories, the identities and personalities, and just noticing all of it.
It's about giving up the fight, so to speak, accepting defeat of the ego. The ego will always be running towards a point in the future where self-acceptance will occur. Non-dual meditation says that point has only ever been available right here, right now.
Typically, Non-Dual Meditation or 'Natural Rest' forms the foundation of the Somatic Inquiry process. So, from a therapeutic perspective, we recommend the combination of natural rest and inquiry.
Asking what takes us away from natural rest, and then dissolving those patterns, 'deprogramming' and 'disidentifying' from the stories, is the basis of the Kiloby Inquiries approach.
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